The Aleknagik clinic is 1 of 21 village clinics in the Bristol Bay service area. All clinics are accredited by Joint Commission and staffed by a Community Health aide. Our Community Health Aide Program (CHAP) plays a very important role in village health services. Our health aides can provide Preventative, Acute, Chronic, and Emergency care within their scope of practice using the Community Health Aide Manual (CHAM) and reporting to a referral Physician at the Kanakanak hospital. They work closely with their care team and assist many other departments that include, but not limited to: Optometry, Audiology, Diabetes, Medical Staff, Dental, and Infant learning to ensure our patients are getting the appropriate and essential care that they need.
There are three care teams at BBAHC: Bear Team, Salmon Team, and Sea Otter Team. Each team consists of providers, health aides, RN Case Managers, and support staff who are dedicated to providing optimal care that is timely and cost-effective. The care teams strive to promote health and quality of life, bridge community services along the continuum of care, and provide support for nearly any type of need. The Bear Team provides services to the Aleknagik Clinic.