BBAHC Service Area
The villages under the umbrella of care provided by BBAHC are divided into the following sub-regions. Follow the links to learn more about these villages and contact information for each of the BBAHC clinics.
Nushagak River & Bay Central Subregion: Aleknagik, Clarks Point, Dillingham, Ekwok, Ekuk, Knugank, Koliganek, New Stuyahok , and Portage Creek
Southern Subregion: Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake, Ivanof Bay, and Perryville
Western Subregion: Goodnews Bay, Manokotak, Platinum, Togiak, and Twin Hills
Kvichak Bay & North Side Peninsula Subregion: Egegik, Kanatak, King Salmon, Levelock, Naknek, Pilot Point, Port Heiden, South Naknek, and Ugashik