BBAHC Service Area

The villages under the umbrella of care provided by BBAHC are divided into the following sub-regions. Follow the links to learn more about these villages and contact information for each of the BBAHC clinics.

Nushagak River & Bay Central Subregion: AleknagikClarks PointDillinghamEkwokEkukKnugankKoliganekNew Stuyahok , and Portage Creek

Southern Subregion: Chignik Bay, Chignik Lagoon, Chignik Lake,  Ivanof Bay, and Perryville

Western Subregion: Goodnews BayManokotakPlatinumTogiak, and Twin Hills

Kvichak Bay & North Side Peninsula Subregion: EgegikKanatakKing SalmonLevelockNaknekPilot PointPort HeidenSouth Naknek, and Ugashik  

Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation manages Kanakanak Hospital, a critical access facility, which is Joint Commission accredited, receives Health and Human Services funding, and is covered through the Federal Tort Claim Act with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including liability for medical malpractice claims, for its officers, board members, employees, and certain health profession contractors and health profession volunteers. Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation is recognized by the US Government and State of Alaska as a tribal organization under PL 93-638.