Contact Us
Patient Programs & Services: Frequently Used Direct Line Phone Numbers
Main Line, To Reach an Operator: | (907) 842-5201 Toll Free 1 (800) 478-5201 | |
After Hours and Outpatient Emergencies, Kanakanak Hospital Emergency Room | (907) 842-9371 | |
After Hours Village Clinic Telephone Triage Service | 1 (800) 815-3378 | |
Departments | Phone | Fax |
Addiction Services (Substance Use Disorder), (Jake’s Place) | (907) 842-5266 | |
Behavioral Health Program | (907) 842-1230 | Toll Free 1 (800) 510-1230 |
Case Management | (907) 842-9549 | Fax (907) 842-9303 |
Child Advocacy Center | (907) 842-1230 or 1 (800) 510-1230 | |
Dental Appointments | (907) 842-5245 | |
Diabetes Community Wellness Program | (907) 842-9579 | |
Environmental Health and Injury Prevention |
(907) 842-3396 | Toll Free 1 (888) 792-2242 |
Financial Counselor | (907) 842-9201 or (907) 842-9328 |
Health Education | (907) 842-9548 | |
Health Information Management Services/Medical Records | (907) 842-9350 or (907) 842-9352 |
Fax (907) 842-9315 |
Infant Learning Program | (907) 842-3398 | Toll Free 1 (888) 648-4325 |
Medicaid Outreach | (907) 842-9270 | (907) 842-9568 |
Medicaid Travel | (907) 842-9336 | (907) 842-9568 |
Medical Imaging | (907) 842-9665 | |
Optometry | (907) 842-9362 | |
Outpatient / Appointments Scheduling | (907) 842-9688 | |
Patient Accounts | (907) 842-9201 | (907) 842-9203 |
Pharmacy | (907) 842-9235 |
Pharmacy Refill Hotline | (907) 842-9402 or 1 (877) 842-9402 | |
Rural Psychiatry Associates (RPA) Appointments Scheduling | (907) 842-9597 | |
Tobacco Prevention & Cessation | (907) 842- 9292 | |
WIC | (907) 842-2036 | Toll Free 1 (888) 842-2037 |
Other BBAHC/Hospital Direct Line Phone Numbers |
Credentialing Information | (907) 842-9218 | Fax (907)-842-9250 or email: |
Emergency Medical Services, Training | (907) 842-9423 | |
Human Resources | (907) 842-9323 | |
Procurement | (907) 842-9464 | (907) 842-9354 |