Parent Resources For Student Health

Parents, BBAHC is sharing some useful information to help guide you about your student's health. When your child comes down with a common illness, you might be wondering when you can confidently send them back to school and when it would generally be advised to keep them at home. Although not meant to replace the advice of a medical professional, BBAHC has produced a general guide that may be useful to parents and students throughout the school year. With respiratory illness season typically peaking in the fall and winter months, we wanted to proactively provide these resources to you now. Please keep these electronic guides handy or ask your school district for a hard copy you can keep readily accessible at home. BBAHC is sending you and your family well wishes for good health this school year!

Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation manages Kanakanak Hospital, a critical access facility, which is Joint Commission accredited, receives Health and Human Services funding, and is covered through the Federal Tort Claim Act with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including liability for medical malpractice claims, for its officers, board members, employees, and certain health profession contractors and health profession volunteers. Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation is recognized by the US Government and State of Alaska as a tribal organization under PL 93-638.