
Adult Mental Health First Aid Class

Would you like to learn how to identify, understand, and respond to signs of mental health and substance abuse challenges among adults?  Attend the Adult Mental Health First Aid Certification Class, taking place January 9-10, from 8:30 am to 12:30 pm at the Curyung Wellness Center.  The class is free and all training materials will be provided.  To sign up or if you have questions please contact Bernina at (907) 842-1230 or email

Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation manages Kanakanak Hospital, a critical access facility, which is Joint Commission accredited, receives Health and Human Services funding, and is covered through the Federal Tort Claim Act with respect to certain health or health-related claims, including liability for medical malpractice claims, for its officers, board members, employees, and certain health profession contractors and health profession volunteers. Bristol Bay Area Health Corporation is recognized by the US Government and State of Alaska as a tribal organization under PL 93-638.