Home based and family centered, the Infant Learning Program (ILP) provides early intervention services to children up to three years of age who are experiencing or may be at risk for developmental delays. Funded by a grant from the Department of Health & Social Services Division Senior and Disabilities Services, the program offers educational and therapeutic intervention, and support and guidance to families throughout BBAHC's service area.
ILP Developmental Specialists meet with families in their home community to develop a true understanding of a child’s development. Goals and strategies are developed with the family to help a child catch up on development if needed. The Developmental Specialists work closely with contract therapists who come out to Bristol Bay at least four times each year.
Many new skills are developed in a child’s first three years. From ages birth to 3, rapid learning and brain development takes place. Some children need a little extra help to develop certain skills. Alaska’s Early Intervention/Infant Learning Program (EI/ILP) is a program that provides specialized services for children who have developmental delays and/or disabilities. The services are for children birth to 3 years of age and will provide extra help for your child’s development.